Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluation

Some surgical procedures, such as for bariatric surgery or implantation of a spinal cord stimulator, require a pre-surgical psychological evaluation to assess readiness and contraindications for the procedure.
Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluation
The process of a pre-surgical psychological evaluation starts with an extensive clinical interview about your personal history, knowledge of the proposed surgery, medical history, psychological history, social history, coping skills, family history, and factors that led to your decision to pursue the desired surgery.
You will then have psychological testing that includes testing of the structure and content of personality and degree of clinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, and mood dysregulation.
Bariatric Psychological Evaluation
A bariatric psychological evaluation includes further testing regarding eating behaviors.
Spinal Cord Stimulator Psychological Evaluation
A spinal cord stimulator evaluation includes additional testing regarding pain levels and effects on daily living and mood. Once testing is complete, a report will be compiled and provided to the referring physician or surgeon. Unlike other types of testing conducted at KANS, pre-surgical evaluations do not include testing of cognitive or neuropsychological functioning
Gender Reassignment Evaluations
Please note, we do not offer pre-surgical psychological evaluations for gender reassignment.