Neuropsychological Testing

When there are concerns about a patient’s cognitive functioning and abilities, physicians and mental health practitioners may refer their patient for neuropsychological testing. This type of testing will provide information about an individual’s brain functioning, behavior, and cognition such as how they think or act. The results of testing can then be used to aid in creating or refining treatment planning, determining whether current medications or treatments are proving beneficial, and to aid in differential diagnosis of complex cases. At KANS, patients between the ages of 6 and 90+ can be seen for neuropsychological testing.
Neuropsychological Evaluation
A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment at KANS consists of testing for the following:
- Intellectual functioning
- Attention & Concentration
- Processing Speed
- Mental Flexibility
- Verbal and Visual Reasoning
- Verbal and Visual Memory
- Motor and Sensory Functioning
- Review of records (if applicable)
Depending on the age of the patient and the presenting concern, the following may also be components of the assessment:
- Psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and mood dysregulation which can also affect mental functioning
- Testing of personality structure to assess attitudes, emotions, thoughts/beliefs, and behavioral characteristics that may contribute to psychosocial difficulties
- Self-ratings and informant-ratings (i.e., parent/caregiver, confidant, and/or teacher) of the patient’s competency for daily living and practical skills in various settings
- Assessment of adaptive functioning, such as a person’s ability to carry out daily living tasks and activities
- Current mental status
Neuropsychological Assessment
All neuropsychological assessments at KANS begin with a comprehensive clinical intake interview, during which information is gathered about the patient’s psychological, psychosocial, educational, and developmental history. This interview is also used to gather information about their presenting concerns, past and/or current treatment, and other factors that may be contributing to difficulties they are experiencing. Once the intake and testing are complete, a feedback session is held during which testing results and recommendations are reviewed and discussed with the patient.